Friday 18 November 2011

Time to Pretend

MGMT really caught a generation with the lyrics to that song, a young generation who question who's more sane;
'This is our decision, to live fast and die young, We've got the vision, now lets have son fun. Yeah, it's overwhelming, but what else can we do, get jobs in offices and wake up for the morning commute.'
The generation gap was really obvious to me a couple of weeks ago, when I was in a conversation with a lady my age, and a gentleman who couldn't understand why some people spend all their lives 'searching' for themselves! I found the conversation fascinating, as I found myself unable to agree completely with either party, as the younger lady led the conversation with statements like 'I'd rather spend my whole life searching for what I really want to do, than do a job that I hate', and the man leading with 'But who is going to fund you while you 'find' yourself?' and phrases like 'In my day......!' Jesus I'm sick of that phrase!
But as the conversation went on, I found myself siding with the gentleman as he seemed to speak more sense, while the other lady seemed to waffle on (another phrase I never understood, is it because waffles have holes, ie, holes in their story, answers on a postcard!) and not really give her case across convincingly.
Obviously, we have a different viewpoint to our parents, and older generations, due to the obvious generational gap, but also because we are 'Celtic Tiger' babies, and a mentality has been stored in the hard drives of our heads that we HAVE TO find our dream job. This is a good thing, obviously, as we can all dream , but not everyone will be that lucky. We are in a climate that does not facilitate that, and this in unfortunate. So maybe at this moment in time, it is 'Time to Pretend' that we enjoy whatever job we have, 'cos we're damn lucky to have it!
I tell this because I had a job that paid well, but hated with a passion, and I quit it like an idiot to live the dream, it didn't work out, and I was left unemployed. I now rue that decision, as I live from week to week.
Maybe it's Time to Pretend for a while!! Believe me!

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